We are an ambulatory IPS which was creaated in 2018 with the purpose of expanding the services offered by the Society of Comprehensive Health Services ORTOTRAUMA S.A.S; in the area of orthopedics and traumatology, in addition to other medical specialties.
The need of the market and of the clients, moved the company to expand its services to the area of home care, medical Coworking and through a strategic alliance for the coffee region with the ConvaTec Medical Care Company the creation of the Wound Clinic, positioning ourselves as a center of excellence.
We offer comprehensive health services to: Natural and / or legal persons, EPS or other entities that may require our services; Either as a strategic ally of independent health personnel, institutions or direct providers thereof. Counting on a team of qualified professionals with great experience and trajectory in the region.
Our offices:
Pereira: -Calle 24 # 5-18.
Manizales: -Carrera 23 with Calle 46, Presentation Clinic, Office 215.
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