The InSer Human Fertility Institute aims to fulfill the dream of thousands of couples who have difficulties when conceiving a baby, but who yearn with their soul to have their most precious gift at home: a child.

InSer was founded in 1995 and currently, with five locations in different cities of Colombia (Medellín, Rionegro, Bogotá, Pereira and Cartagena), it is the leading fertility center in the diagnosis and treatment of fertility in the country.

The InSer family has specialists in human reproduction, urologists, psychologists, andrologists and bacteriologists, who everyday work towards the same dream: to make more couples with fertility problems fulfill their dream of being parents.

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Perfiles hormonales masculinos y femenino
Test no invasivo Baby Test
Banco de Semen
Banco de embriones
Laparoscopia diagnóstica y quirúrgica
Histeroscopia diagnóstica y quirúrgica
Recanalización tubárica
Reversión de la vasectomía
Biopsia testicular
Inseminación artificial
Donación de óvulos
Congelación de óvulos (Vitrificación)
Fertilización In Vitro
Inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides
ICSI con espermatozoides morfológicamente seleccionados
Diagnóstico genético preimplantatorio